Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Week 4

Hey guys! No posts, but I honestly wasn't expecting any. It was Thanksgiving break and I know everyone was away from school and stuff themselves with delicious turkey! Also, the word that I picked was pretty... "uninteresting" I suppose. Time for a new week and a new word. I hope everyone can find the time to get a sketch in!

Here it is. This week is pretty fun.


1. Extremely small; tiny; diminutive.
2. Trivial.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Week 3

Very awesome, guys! We had 5 posts last week and 2 posts the first week! Let's make more this week! A bit late on posting today, but you've got all the week to post your speedy! Good luck!

Today's word of the day:


1. To infuse life into; enliven.

Have fun!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Imperial Paladin

Nobody ever said paladins had to be "good". Sorta stylized this thing!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Red planet

Sorry for not staying with the theme... I did this while messing about with my new copy of CS5 so I figured it could go here anyway. Took about 35-40 mins I think. I really don't do speedpaintings so it sucks ass but oh well haha.

Hope you don't mind Andy :P

Monday, November 15, 2010

Week 2!

Hey everyone! So a week has passed, and only 2 entries! But, it's all good. I know everyone is busy or just forgot... or they're too embarrassed to post! Well, don't be embarrassed at all! You post your work now and look at it a few months later, and you feel awesome because you've improved that much! So post your work!

This week's theme or topic to work off of will be a word of the day instead of picture of the day. I thought a picture was too visual and had too much limitations.

Week #2 Prompt:



1: a trusted military leader (as for a medieval prince)
2: a leading champion of a cause

Most importantly, have fun and don't be afraid. Plus, people will give you feedback. No one's here to harm you or laugh at your work!

Monday, November 8, 2010


Time: 1.3 hours during 3D Class!

Always wondered what would happen in the future where savage tribes still existed!


So, we decided that we'd do a weekly prompt for speedies. Characters, Environments, Vehicles, props, and key scenes. Whatever comes to mind and whenever you guys are ready. Next prompt will come a week from today!


Please use this image as inspiration. It's a pic of the day.

Hut of the Chaga people

A traditional hut of the Chaga people, Bantu-speaking indigenous Africans who live on the southern and eastern slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Meru, as well as in the Moshi area. In agricultural exports, the Chaga are best known for their Arabica coffee, which is exported to American and European markets, resulting in coffee being a primary cash crop.


Hey guys! I thought creating a Otis student and possibly alumni type of blog where the only thing we would do are speed-paintings and quick sketches would be a good idea. The primary purpose is to kick start our minds and let the creativity flow with barely any art direction!

Anyone can contribute! Let's have fun!